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Are There Any Risks Associated With Baby Teeth Extractions?

tooth-extractionAs a child begins to grow, their baby teeth will naturally be replaced by their adult counterparts. The good news is that this process does not normally result in any issues. However, there are still times when a dentist may need to extract one or more teeth in order to avoid future complications. 

As with any type of dental procedure, such extractions may pose a slight risk. What do parents need to know? Let us take a quick look at three possible scenarios.

-  A tooth extraction may result in a localised infection.
-  Nerves can be damaged at or near the site of the extraction.
-  Dry socket could also result after the procedure.

While these scenarios are all quite rare, the fact of the matter is that parents should always monitor their children immediately following a procedure in order to detect any early signs of trouble. If an issue is suspected, contacting a dentist is the best way to avoid any future complications. 

"For children that have a baby tooth pulled from their lower jaw, nerve damage is possible, although again very rare."

Learn more about the possible risks by clicking this link:


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