Westmount Dental Surgery Blog

Causes of Teeth Grinding

Written by Bas Iqbal | 14-Feb-2020 08:11:46

Technically called bruxism, the habit of teeth grinding is quite common and can affect anyone at any age. The habit can range from very mild to very severe but bruxism, if left untreated, will invariably damage the teeth and cause other dental problems and even lead to tooth loss. 

In some but not all cases, bruxism can be triggered by dental issues such as an abnormal bite or misaligned teeth but there are other non-dental problems that may be causing the problem. Some common causes of bruxism are:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Sleeping disorders such as sleep apnoea
  • Certain substances such as tobacco, alcohol and caffeine

The additional pressure put on the teeth and jaws by habitual clenching and grinding can lead to tooth fractures, gum inflammation and jaw pain and can actually wear down the teeth to a fraction of their proper size. 

Although bruxism may be caused by non-dental factors, it should always be discussed with the dentist who can determine the exact causes of the problem and devise a suitable treatment plan to avoid serious dental issues in the future. 

A detailed article on the most common causes of bruxism can be read at https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/why-do-we-grind-our-teeth/