Regular check-ups are a vital component in a good dental health regimen. But many people continually put off or avoid that regular visit to the dentist.
Although your teeth, gums and mouth may feel and look healthy this can be a false impression as many dental issues start under the gumline and are not apparent until the first aches, pains and swellings appear.
Quite apart from peace of mind, skipping that scheduled check-up can lead to serious problems in the future as well as costing a lot more money to repair the damage caused by neglect. Avoiding, delaying or cancelling an appointment can lead to:
Many people who have consistently delayed seeing their dentist have been stunned to learn that they suffer from underlying dental issues that gone undetected for too long and allowed to deteriorate.
It is estimated that over 47 percent of adults in the United States have untreated gum disease and this situation could be improved dramatically if people took the time to make that short visit to the dentist on a regular basis. Read more at