Let’s examine the main restoration methods:
Dental Crowns are custom made to exactly match the size and shape of a damaged tooth. These are permanent fixtures and look and function just like natural teeth.
Porcelain Veneers are lightweight, tough shells that are permanently bonded on top of the existing teeth and can be a better option if more than one tooth needs repair work.
Dental Bonding is ideal when just one or two teeth need restoration. A composite resin is built up in layers until it is the same size and shape as the damaged tooth it is restoring.
One of the biggest causes of wear and erosion is teeth grinding or bruxism. All replacement methods can “crack and chip under immense pressure” as happens with bruxism and if this is the cause of the erosion it must be treated by the dentist before any restorative work can begin.
Find out more at https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/how-do-dentists-correct-worn-down-teeth/